Wow - fantastic summary of corruption taking ahold of power. There are tiny moments where I might offer something different, but in all I do agree with you, except for your final paragraph. I do not find this fascinating to unfold, however. I find it terrifying and maddening because it keeps getting worse. However, thank you so much for an excellent summary I will share with my friends who I can actually talk to about this.

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WOW thank you John you nailed it! So many excellent points here thank God for minds like yours! Keep it flowing please!

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Great article John. Beside your vast knowledge and experience in dealing with the Government, one of your greatest strengths is a curious mind and always asking questions - sadly, a quality American liberals have lost as they began to equate progressiveness with tribalism. I hope your insights will not be censored by Big Tech.

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The encouragement to take care of one's health, starts at an early age. Once someone is introduced, taught, trained and spontaneous dependent on going to the MD, who prescribes a cure, by a certain age, they become programmed to this rhythm for the rest of their life. Sure, they might take a supplement, eat a healthy diet, do Yoga and jog; but, when there is more than a sniffle, its off to the clinic. What I am saying, is if our education went in the opposite direction, there would be much more of an inherent connection to taking full responsibility, full participation in our inherent-potential-organic, connection to nature. Thus, understanding the body well, how it and the environment work together to empower one's health, is the blessed path toward freedom from the dietary propaganda, the drugs, the vaccines, and the doctors, who don't know you, or your body, and have no place in your life. Not until this time, will there be much of a change.

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By purchasing the liberal media, a billionaire can make crazy things happen.

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That was in February. Now its August. Has the trend taken an S curve meanwhile ?

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Excellent summary. Thank you.

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Another great article John! Thank you:)

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Until America cleans up its horrific nutrition misinformation that appears to do nothing more than support big Pharma, I have no faith that our government has any interest in its citizen's health or well-being.

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It is with such a heavy heart that I now see just how deeply unchecked power corrupts. We've supplanted the military industrial complex for the current model of the medical industrial complex with the key players openly stating that ,,the flu just isn't scary enough", thus leading them to quite literally create the pandemic of fear and guilt. And as my one dear friend puts it, ,,the Democratic Party has become the perfect host for this perpetual state of dis-ease". It's truly tragic to see how consistent isolation, fear and confusion can sow seeds of a completely disempowered denatured organism, namely us. The beauty, however, is still so rich in its lesson. Show up as nature does every day. Show up for yourselves and each other. And, please for God's sake, show up knowing that YOU ARE THAT GORGEOUS NATURE-99% other and merely 1% human. Now get your beautiful selves out the door to grow yourselves and the soil, to not just feed the world, but to nurture her. Thrive my beauties!!!!

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Maybe it is past time to defund the FDA, CDC, and the monopoly power of the AMA to censor doctors and others. This is a direct result of the 1986 Act that removed liability of drug makers for damages caused by their vaccines. The C#vid vaccines are also free from liability. I just heard that just one made over 38 billion last year, and thanks to the govt., NO liability. We have a govt. to keep us safe from criminals...why are they not doing that?

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Brilliantly analysed. Should be mandatory reading . Thank you for a superlative expose.

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Thanks John, good article. You’re asking the pivotal question; for indeed, divide-and-rule remains the principle tool by which the ruling ghoul-school elite keeps us crawling in the street.

If I may, I’d say we have to look deeper into HOW, over many decades, the entire political playing-field has been slowly moved to the ‘right’ bit by bit, (so all too few might notice it); and how (stolen election) Trump (rationally) served to TERRIFY (what’s left of) ‘the left’; such that, when covid came a knockin, they tied their hide to that Faucian - which then gave ‘the right’ more room to assume amongst legitimate conservative criticism, which then fed the ‘left’ disdain (and ignorance) even further. It’s not that most left/liberals are heartless morons. They’ve simply locked themselves into a badly-flawed POLITICAL STRATEGY which fuels itself as things continue to get worse. Until enough GENUINE leftists and conservatives start revealing the shape of this con, it will just keep going on and on. Thx again.

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By purchasing the liberal media, a billionaire can make crazy things happen.

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Great summary! But I don't think the U.S. has the highest death rate per capita in the world. Statista shows it to be 16th overall compared to other countries in cumulative covid deaths since the pandemic started. The U.S.' most recent 7 day average of covid deaths per million is over 41 which IS very high. One of the biggest factors for the relatively high Covid death rate in the U.S. is its obesity problem. I've read the U.S. ranks second or so in the world for obesity with an average Body Mass Index at nearly 29 while for example Japanese have an average BMI of between 22 and 23. Big difference! Also the larger the BMI the lower one's Vitamin D levels tend to be.

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